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Elena Carissimo-Panagis

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About Me:


Being born and raised in Milan, Italy, I grew up with a strong sense of esthetic and I have learnt to appreciate beauty in all things.


I find that when you surround yourself with beautiful things and create a beautiful environment, you also acquire a sense of inner peace.


To me “beautiful” is very personal and it’s whatever makes you smile and brings you inner joy and serenity.


Although my background is in law, I discovered my passion for design in my twenties, while living in London. After having taken a few courses and certifications, and having moved to Toronto, I decided to start my decorating and staging business. I had a lot of fun with all the projects I took on through the years, but when it came time for me to move again, this time to the U.S. because of my husband’s job, and being nine months pregnant, I decided to put my work on hold and to focus on my family.


Eight years and two amazing little girls later, I feel it’s  time for me to start fostering again my passion and share it with others.


SOLife was born from the strong belief that it’s possible to have a busy family life, with kids and/or pets, and enjoy a beautiful, organized and serene home, and ultimately a harmonious, stylish and meaningful life!

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