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One-Day Makeover

This service allows a fast and cost-effective way to redesign our client’s home.  The makeover process starts with a meeting with the client, where we take a tour of their house and ask questions to understand their needs and necessities. After the initial meeting we present a written action plan. The day of the actual makeover, we totally undo one or more rooms (taking away all the art works, lights and accessories) and redecorate them from scratch, using the furniture that is already in the house, mixing and matching things from different rooms to create a new look.  Only if needed, and according to the client’s budget, we suggest new pieces or accessories. Included in the service are:  color consultation for walls, ceiling and trim, ideas for window treatments and ideas for wall art and accessories.  If desired by the clients, we can do the shopping for them or with them. 


This process can be done in two ways. It can consist of an on-line consultation session or it can be hands-on.

If the consultation happens online, the client sends us pictures of all the rooms that need to be staged. We analyze them and prepare a step-by-step report of what they need to do. We are always available for questions and, once they are done, we will have a final review of the after pictures and, if possible, a walk through via Skype. The consultation could also be done in-person if requested by the client.  If the client prefers that we do the work, after the initial consultation, we will set up an action plan and a date for the work to be done.



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