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FOLLOW YOUR PASSION….and how SoLife was born

Since this is my very first blog, I decided to talk a bit about the importance of following your passion, so that you can also find out what my journey has been and how I got to start SoLife.

Some people are lucky because they figure out at an early age their vocation, others, like me, for different reasons, take much longer to figure it out. In my case, when the time came to pick a course of studies in university, I didn’t have a clue of what I wanted to do, so I picked law because I thought it could open the doors for me to a few good professions, or so someone had told me.

Those years in university definitely taught me self-discipline, but they also taught me that when you are not passionate about what you are doing things are much harder. So by the time I got my degree, although I still didn’t know what my passion was, one thing I knew for sure: law wasn’t it!

Once I moved to London, and finally had the time to just “be”, after all those years spent on books, and having experienced what working in the corporate world was all about, my husband (boyfriend at the time) asked me probably the hardest questions someone had ever asked: “What are you passionate about? What would you do with your time if you could do anything?”… and my answer was “I don’t know!”… So now what?...

Those days, when I could just “be”, I started to notice one thing… That I could spend hours and hours watching design shows:-). I started to read design related books and to take courses to explore my new found interest and that was it! Out of the blue I discovered a whole creative part of my being that I never knew I had. I finally realized that when you are passionate about what you do, working doesn’t seem like work and getting out of bed in the morning is not that hard anymore.

If you haven’t found it yet, I think your passion is whatever makes you feel “alive” and it also evolves with you… evolving as a person.

For me it started with a love for interior design and decoration, but, as the years went by and I grew as an individual, it evolved from simply creating beautiful spaces that spoke to my clients’ soul, to making a positive and meaningful impact in their lives. That’s how SOLife came about: with me reconnecting with my passion while embracing my “new grown up me”. And after eight years of dedicating my life completely to my girls and my family, I came to the realization, having experienced it first hand myself, that even with the busiest life you don’t have to compromise and you can still have style, harmony and meaning in your life. That’s my promise to you: to bring useful and meaningful information so that you can have a well lived life… or should we now say a SoLife ;-)?

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