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No matter where you live, chances are you are going to wear your bathing suit during the summer.

Bathing suits can be expensive and learning how to take care of them will help them last longer.

Whether you wear a swimsuit daily or just on occasion, the fabric can take a real beating from pool chemicals, the sun, sand, temperatures and lotions. So what is the right way to care for your swimsuits?

#1- Rinse it right away after wearing, and wash it well when you get home.

The quicker you wash it the less likely your swimwear will smell like chlorine, the beach or perspiration.

#2- Wash your bathing suit by hand, because the agitation of a washing machine can damage the fabric.

#3- Refrain from using laundry detergent, because laundry detergents are far too harsh for most spandex swimwear and will often cause the color to fade, especially brighter colors. Instead, use a mild hand soap that doesn’t have added moisturizers to help it to last longer.

#4- DO NOT wring out your bathing suits!

Wringing your suit is the fastest way to wear it out because the spandex loses its shape and elasticity. Lay it flat on a towel and roll the towel up and squeeze gently. Remove it from the towel and lay it flat to dry.

#5- NEVER put them in the dryer!

The tumbling of a dryer combined with the excessive heat will quickly ruin your favorite swim suits.

#6- DO NOT hang it to dry! The water pooling at the bottom will stretch out the fibers.

#7- Dry the suit indoors or in the shade. Direct sun will fade the colors. Don’t dry it over an air conditioner as you’ll likely make the whole room smell of damp bathing suit.

If you don’t have time for it to air dry, you can use your hair dryer. Just make sure that it’s set to blow cool air. If it doesn’t have time to dry, stuff your wet suit in a plastic bag before you pack it up, it’s a good idea to poke a few holes in the bag for ventilation and then wrap a T-shirt or towel around it to catch any drips. You’d be amazed how quickly mold starts to grow without ventilation.

#8- Wait a day before wearing the same bathing suit.

Women’s swimwear is typically made from spandex fabric, which is a memory fabric. This means when it gets stretched out it goes back to its original shape. Since it usually takes about a day for a swim piece to get back to its normal condition, don’t wear the same swimsuit on consecutive days. Alternating between suits will allow them to breathe and return to their original shape.

#9- And one more thing: NEVER wear a damp swimsuit, because it’s a prime place for bacteria and mold, and it’s a way to get skin rashes or infections

Yes, washing and drying your beachwear can be a laborious task, but it will help make your favorite swimsuit last much longer and help you save money on your summer wardrobe! Happy bikini season:-)!

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