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“The life changing magic of tidying up” by Marie Kondo: my three SoFavorite tips!

Being an “Type A” kind of person, I am definitely very tidy and super organized, but I admit I have always had a hard time getting rid of things, especially shoes and clothesJ. Once I heard about the hype around this book, I knew I had to read it! And soon after I finished it - of course -I started to purge and drive my husband even more crazy:-)!!

The following are the three tips I loved the most from Marie Kondo’s method:

#1- Keep only what you really love and brings you joy!

Initially this concept made me laughJ… But once I started to clean up and ask myself that question a few times I realized how important it is to only keep what you really like and somehow sparks joy… You will feel happy just by looking at your belongingsJ!

#2- Don’t feel guilty for the things you decide to let go (e.g. because they were a present from someone, because you might need them at some point, because you paid so much money for them, etc...). Appreciate the joy they once gave you and be thankful for that. It’s ok to let go. You need to make room for more “joy”!

#3- Fold and store vertically! This folding technique makes everything easy to spot! To easily keep them in place in your drawers she suggests to use shoeboxes as dividers.

Although I still have issues figuring out the joy that something brings meJ, Marie’s method has helped me to get rid of a lot more stuff and, if not always joy, has definitely brought me a greater sense of serenity. Happy purging!!

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