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Being the beginning of a New Year, and knowing that lots of you have probably promised to themselves to make healthier choices and getting into better habits this year, I want to share with you all one of my good habits… my go-to every morning detox kind of drink.

A few years ago I started to drink a warm cup of water with lemon first thing in the morning and as the years went by, getting more educated on nutrition and wellness, I started to add a few ingredients to my morning drink and today I am ready to share my recipe concoction with youJ… Let me tell you, especially at the beginning, it won’t taste good…at all!!... but eventually you will get used to it and its benefits are great…

So here it is:

-one glass (12-16 oz) of warm or hot water (I like mine warm and I put it in the microwave for 40 sec.)

-2 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar, that is full of enzymes and good bacteria;

-2 Tablespoon lemon juice, that contains vitamin C, helps balance blood sugar and has an alkaline effect on your body helping to regulate PH;

-2 teaspoon of cinnamon, that is one of the best antioxidant and it’s great for balancing blood sugar;

-1 dash of cayenne pepper, that has been shown to increase metabolism and drop blood pressure;

-1 spoon of turmeric, that is an incredible anti-inflammatory (you can read more about it on one of my old blogs at this link:

-Stevia, that is a natural sweetener and it will make this drink taste a little betterJ

-Mix all the ingredient and you are good to go!

Believe me, it’s totally normal if you hate it at first, but stick to it and eventually it will become an easy part of your SoHealthy daily routine! … word of SoLife:-)

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