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This is the season when many of us get sick with colds and flu…

Have you ever heard about the benefits of putting an onion in the room of a person who is sick, because the onion will “absorb” the illness and in a few hours, the person will feel better?

Well, I honestly couldn’t believe this the first time I heard about it, but a couple of weeks ago, when both my girls had a terrible cold, with runny noses and coughs, and I was starting to get the same symptoms, terrified by the idea of everyone passing a sleepless night, I decided to try the onion theory out and to my big surprise, IT WORKED!!! All the symptoms quickly disappeared and we all had a good night’s sleep… and yes, your room will smell like an onion, but you will just have to open your windows for a bit and the smell will quickly fade away:-).

Curious of the reasons behind the healing power of the onions, I decided to research a bit and found out that this is not a new idea.

Ayurvedic medicine has been using an onion poultice for the chest or feet to cure coughs, fevers and flus for centuries. They also use the onion poultice to reduce pain and inflammation in the joints. Homeopathic doctors also use the healing power of onions to heal from viruses and illness.

The onions need to be peeled if left around the home as a preventive measure against flu and viruses. Many people do this during flu season and find that no one gets sick.

If someone falls ill with a cough, flu, cold or fever, immediately place a peeled white onion cut in half in a bowl in their room. The onion needs to be cut in half to expose the most amount of ‘healing power’ from its pungent odor.

Why do onion have such a powerful healing power?

The onion is the richest dietary source of quercitin, a powerful antioxidant flavonoid that has been shown to thin the blood, lower cholesterol, ward off blood clots, and fight asthma, chronic bronchitis, hay fever, diabetes, atherosclerosis and infections and is even linked to inhibiting certain types of cancer.

Onions are also naturally anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and antiviral.


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